For more information, please visit Park’s profile on Google Scholar.


  • Na, Hyeon-Woo, Jun Hui Lee, Hae Seong Lee, and PooGyeon Park. “Relaxation of second-order matrix-valued multivariate polynomial inequalities: application to the stability analysis of linear systems with two additive time-varying delays.” 2024 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). IEEE, 2024.
  • Lee, Jun Hui, Hyeon-Woo Na, Hae Seong Lee, and PooGyeon Park. “Further stability analysis of delayed neural networks based on novel activation function dependent Lyapunov-Krasovskii Functional.” 2024 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). IEEE, 2024.
  • Gwak, Minseon, Seongrok Moon, Joohwan Ko, and PooGyeon Park. “Layer-Adaptive State Pruning for Deep State Space Models.” The 38th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2024.
  • Yibo Wang, Changchun Hua, and PooGyeon Park. “A new augmented integral inequality on stability for delayed neural network systems.” 2024 24th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS). IEEE, 2024.
  • Ni Yang, Huan Su, and PooGyeon Park. “Stability Analysis of Impulsive Stochastic Networks with Deception Attacks and Input Delays.” 2024 24th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS). IEEE, 2024.
  • Moon, Seongrok, Hyeon-Woo Na, and PooGyeon Park. “Enhanced Stability Criteira for the Synchronization of Neural Networks with Transmission Delays using Sampled-Data Control.” 2024 24th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS). IEEE, 2024.
  • Park, Chan, Seung Hyun Ryu, and PooGyeon Park. “A Bias-Compensated Robust Affine Projection Algorithm Using Variable Matrix-type Step Size.” 2024 32nd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO). EURASIP, 2024.
  • Park, Yongbeom, Kyungsoo Kim, and PooGyeon Park. “Stability Analysis for Time Delayed System via Improved Delay-Product Lyapunov-Krasovskii Functional.” 2024 Chinese Control Conference (CCC). IEEE, 2024.
  • Kim, Kyung Soo, Yongbeom Park, and PooGyeon Park. “On Relaxed Membership-Dependent Stability with Quadratic Fuzzy Lyapunov Function.” 2024 Chinese Control Conference (CCC). IEEE, 2024.
  • Lee, Hye Jin, Kyung Soo Kim, and PooGyeon Park. “H∞ Control with Quadratic-LPV-parameter-based Lyapunov Function for LPV Systems via Structural Relaxation Approach.” 2024 14th Asian Control Conference(ASCC). ACA, 2024.
  • Gwak, Minseon, Kyung Soo Kim, and PooGyeon Park. “Explainable AI Framework with Multi-Source Data-Driven Anomaly Detection for Injection Molding Machines.” 2024 14th Asian Control Conference(ASCC). ACA, 2024.
  • Lee, Ho Sub, and PooGyeon Park. “Consensus Analysis for Multi-Agent Systems with Time-Varying Delays and Incomplete Knowledge of Transition Probabilities.” 2024 14th Asian Control Conference(ASCC). ACA, 2024.



  • Jwa, Younkyung, MinSeon Gwak, JiIn Kwak, Chang Wook Ahn, and PooGyeon Park. “Scalable Robust Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Model Uncertainty.”  2023 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). IEEE, 2023.
  • Park, Yong Beom and PooGyeon Park. “A Novel Free-Matrix-Based Summation Inequality for Stability Analysis of Discrete-Time Delayed System.”  2023 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). IEEE, 2023.
  • Kim, Kyung Soo and PooGyeon Park. ” The stabilization condition for interval type-2 fuzzy sytsems via relaxed membership-parameter matrix inequalities.”  2023 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). IEEE, 2023.
  • Moon, Seongrok, Jun Hui Lee, Kyungsoo Kim, Chan Park, and PooGyeon Park. “Real-Time Steel Surface Defect Detection and Classification with Inference Acceleration.” 2023 23rd International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS). IEEE, 2023.
  • Lee, Jun Hui and PooGyeon Park. “A generalized multiple-integral inequality based on free matrices: Application to stability analysis of time-varying delay systems.” 2023 23rd International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS). IEEE, 2023.
  • Park, Chan, Jun Hui Lee, Seongrok Moon, and PooGyeon Park. “An Active Noise Control Algorithm Using Variable Step Size Adaptive Filter with Constraint in Sparse System.” 2023 23rd International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS). IEEE, 2023.
  • Lee, Hae Seong and PooGyeon Park. “Improved Admissibility Analysis of Singular Time-delay System.” 2023 62th Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan (SICE). IEEE, 2023.
  • Lee, Jun Hui and PooGyeon Park. “Generalized Results for Stability Analysis of Time-Varying Delay Systems via Necessary and Sufficient Conditions on High-Order Polynomial Inequality.” 2023 European Control Conference (ECC). IEEE, 2023.
  • Na, Hyeon-Woo, Jun Hui Lee, and PooGyeon Park. “Extended Free-Matrix-Based Integral Inequality: Application to Stability Analysis of Delayed Neural Networks.” 22nd World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control(IFAC). IFAC, 2023.
  • Lee, Jun Hui, Hyeon-Woo Na, and PooGyeon Park. “Improved Integral Inequality Based on Free Matrices and Its Application to Stability Analysis of Delayed Neural Networks via Matrix-valued Cubic Polynomial Inequality.” 22nd World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control(IFAC). IFAC, 2023.
  • Ryu, Seung Hyun, Kyungsoo Kim and PooGyeon Park. “A Modified Combined Step-size Robust Affine Projection Algorithm Against Impulsive Noise.” International Conference on Electric-Vehicle, Smart Grid, and Information Technology (ICESI). 2023.
  • Park, Yong Beom and PooGyeon Park. “The consensus on delayed multi-agent system with the switching topology in discrete-time.” International Conference on Electric-Vehicle, Smart Grid, and Information Technology (ICESI). 2023.
  • Kim, Kyung Soo and PooGyeon Park. “LPV Modelling and Control for Rotary Inverted Pendulum.”  International Conference on Electric-Vehicle, Smart Grid, and Information Technology (ICESI). 2023.
  • Lee, MinHo, Seunghyun Ryu, and PooGyeon Park. “Combined step-size generalized continuous mixed p-norm algorithm.” 2023 3rd International Symposium on Instrumentation, Control, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics (ICA-SYMP). IEEE, 2023.
  • Lee, HoSub and PooGyeon Park. “Consensus Condition Based on Free-Matrix-Based Integral Inequality for Multi-Agent Systems with Time Delays.” 2023 3rd International Symposium on Instrumentation, Control, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics (ICA-SYMP). IEEE, 2023.



  • Lee, Hae Seong, Junhui Lee, Hyeseung Hong, and PooGyeon Park. “Stability analysis of time-varying delay system based on a novel generalized
    integral inequality utilizing finite-interval quadratic polynomial inequalities.” 2022 22st International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS). IEEE, 2022.
  • Ryu, Seung Hyun, Hyejin Lee, Chan Park, and PooGyeon Park. “Cleaning Up Mislabeled Data via Image Plotting Method and Self-Attention Module.” 2022 22nd International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS). IEEE, 2022.
  • Park, Young Beom, Chan Park, Hyeon-Woo Na, and PooGyeon Park. “Improved Stability Criteria for Delay Neural Networks: High-order Matrix-valued Polynomial Approach.” 2022 22nd International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS). IEEE, 2022.
  • Kim, Kyung Soo, Hosub Lee, and PooGyeon Park. “Membership-Function-Dependent Stability Conditions Using Fuzzy Lyapunov Functions.” 2022 22nd International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS). IEEE, 2022.
  • Gwak, MinSeon, Seunghyun Ryu, Yongbeom Park, Hyeon-woo Na, and PooGyeon Park. “Frequency-Domain Data Augmentation of Vibration Data for Fault Diagnosis using Deep Neural Networks.” 2022 22nd International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS). IEEE, 2022.
  • Lee, MinHo, Seongrok Moon, and PooGyeon Park. “Improved Combined Step-size Sign Subband Adaptive Filter Algorithms with Variable Mixing Factors.” 2022 22nd International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS). IEEE, 2022.
  • Park, Chan, Minho Lee, and PooGyeon Park. “A filtered-x active noise control algorithm robust to impulsive noise using novel subband adaptive filter algorithm .” 2022 14th annual conference organized by Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association(APSIPA ASC). APSIPA, 2022.
  • Lee, HoSub, and PooGyeon Park. “Implementation of Control Structure for Steel Pickling Process using Model Predictive Controller.” 2022 13rd IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, including Biosystems (DYCOPS). IFAC, 2022.
  • Park, Chan, Minseon Gwak, and PooGyeon Park. “Improved Weighted Least Squares Algorithm for Fast Power System State Estimation Using Error Covariance Estimation.” International Conference on Electric Vehicle, Smart Grid, and Information Technology (ICESI). 2022.
  • Gwak, MinSeon, and PooGyeon Park. “A Novel Dynamic Model for Distributed State Estimation of Power Systems.” International Conference on Electric Vehicle, Smart Grid, and Information Technology (ICESI). 2022.
  • Na, Hyeon-Woo, Hosub Lee, and PooGyeon Park. “Consensus based Controller Design for Power Mismatch Estimation in Smart Grid.” International Conference on Electric Vehicle, Smart Grid, and Information Technology (ICESI). 2022.
  • Lee, HoSub, Hyeon-Woo Na, and PooGyeon Park. “Consensus Condition for Estimationg Mismatch in Smart Grid with Switching Topology.”International Conference on Electric Vehicle, Smart Grid, and Information Technology (ICESI). 2022.
  • Lee, Jun Hui, Hyeon-Woo Na, and PooGyeon Park. “Improved Stability Criterion for Delayed Neural Networks via Negative-Definiteness Condition of Quadratic Function.” 2022 13th Asian Control Conference(ASCC). ACA, 2022.



  • Lee, HoSub, In Seok Park, and PooGyeon Park. “Optimal Consensus Control for Multi-Agent Systems with Input Constraints: A State Decomposition Approach.” 2021 Second International Symposium on Instrumentation, Control, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics (ICA-SYMP). IEEE, 2021.
  • Kim, Dong Woo, and PooGyeon Park. “An advanced time-delay controller for robust trajectory control of manipulator in the excavator.” 2021 Second International Symposium on Instrumentation, Control, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics (ICA-SYMP). IEEE, 2021.
  • Park, Chan, JunHui Lee, and PooGyeon Park. “Diffusion NLMS algorithm Robust to Impulsive Noise and Input Noise in Sparse Systems.” 2021 60th Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan (SICE). IEEE, 2021.
  • Lee, Jun Hui, Hyeon-Woo Na, and PooGyeon Park. “Stability analysis of time-varying delay neural network system utilizing free-matrix-based double integral inequality.” 2021 21st International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS). IEEE, 2021.
  • Lee, Minho, Taesung Cho, and PooGyeon Park. “Improved Combined Step-size Normalized Sign Algorithm with Novel Variable Mixing Factors.” 2021 21st International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS). IEEE, 2021.
  • Na, Hyeon-Woo, and PooGyeon Park. “Application of free matrix based integral inequality: sampled-data multi-agent system.” 2021 21st International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS). IEEE, 2021.
  • Park, Taesu, Minseon Gwak, and PooGyeon Park. “A filtered-x scheduled step-size active noise cancellation algorithm considering implementation.” 2021 21st International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS). IEEE, 2021.
  • Lee, Jun Hui, and PooGyeon Park. “Stability Analysis of Neural Networks with Time-Varying Delays via a Novel Generalized Integral Inequality Based on Free Matrices.” 2021 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). IEEE, 2021.



  • Park, Chan-eun, and PooGyeon Park. “H∞ Admissibility of Singular Stochastic Systems with Markovian Switching and Partly Unknown Transition Rates.” 2020 17th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI-CON). IEEE, 2020.
  • Lee, Minho, and PooGyeon Park. “Combined Step-size Robust Mixed-norm Adaptive Filter Algorithm.” 2020 17th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI-CON). IEEE, 2020.
  • Park, In Seok, Chan-eun Park, and PooGyeon Park. “New Study on a Necessary and Sufficient State-Feedback Stabilization Condition for Singular Discrete-Time System.” 2020 17th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI-CON). IEEE, 2020.
  • Park, Chan-eun, Nam Kyu Kwon, and PooGyeon Park. “Reliable Output-Feedback Control for Markovian Jump Descriptor Systems with Sensor Failure and Actuator Saturation.” Nonlinear Dynamics and Control. Springer, Cham, 2020. 283-291.
  • Park, Chan-eun, and PooGyeon Park. “H∞ Admissibility of Singular Stochastic Systems with Markovian Switching and Partly Unknown Transition Rates.” 2020 17th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI-CON). IEEE, 2020.
  • Lee, Minho, and PooGyeon Park. “Combined Step-size Robust Mixed-norm Adaptive Filter Algorithm.” 2020 17th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI-CON). IEEE, 2020.
  • Park, In Seok, Chan-eun Park, and PooGyeon Park. “New Study on a Necessary and Sufficient State-Feedback Stabilization Condition for Singular Discrete-Time System.” 2020 17th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI-CON). IEEE, 2020.
  • Park, Taesu, et al. “Active noise control algorithm robust to noisy inputs and measurement impulsive noises.” 2020 20th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS). IEEE, 2020.
  • Kim, Dong Woo, et al. “Novel active noise control based on a robust filtered-x normalized least mean square sign algorithm against large measurement and impulsive noises.” 2020 20th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS). IEEE, 2020.
  • Lee, Minho, et al. “Bias Compensated Least Mean Mixed-norm Adaptive Filtering Algorithm Robust to Impulsive Noises.” 2020 20th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS). IEEE, 2020.
  • Park, Chan-eun, and PooGyeon Park. “Bounded realness for discrete-time jump descriptor systems.” 2020 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). IEEE, 2020.



  • Kim, Dong Woo, Minho Lee, and PooGyeon Park. “A robust online secondary-path filter active noise control system for noisy inputs and impulsive noises in sparse systems.” 2019 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS). IEEE, 2019.
  • Park, In Seok, Chan-Eun Park, and PooGyeon Park. “Dynamic output-feedback control for descriptor Markovian jump TS fuzzy systems with model uncertainty.” 2019 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS). IEEE, 2019.
  • Kim, Dong Woo, Minho Lee, and PooGyeon Park. “A robust active noise control system with stepsize scaler in impulsive noise environments.” 2019 Chinese Control Conference (CCC). IEEE, 2019.
  • Lee, Minho, Dong Woo Kim, and Poogyeon Park. “NLMS Algorithm Robust Against Noisy Input and Impulsive Noise in Sparse Systems.” 2019 Chinese Control Conference (CCC). IEEE, 2019.
  • Park, In Seok, and PooGyeon Park. “Output-feedback control for descriptor fuzzy systems with Markovian jumps.” 2019 18th European Control Conference (ECC). IEEE, 2019.
  • Park, Taesu, et al. “A filtered-x VSS-NLMS active noise control algorithm robust against impulsive noise and noisy inputs.” 2019 12th Asian Control Conference (ASCC). IEEE, 2019.
  • Kim, Min Su, Taesu Park, and PooGyeon Park. “Classification of Steel Surface Defect Using Convolutional Neural Network with Few Images.” 2019 12th Asian Control Conference (ASCC). IEEE, 2019.
  • Lee, Minho, Taesu Park, and PooGyeon Park. “Bias-Compensated Normalized Least Mean Fourth Algorithm for Adaptive Filtering of Impulsive Measurement Noises and Noisy Inputs.” 2019 12th Asian Control Conference (ASCC). IEEE, 2019.
  • Kim, Dong Woo, and PooGyeon Park. “A novel active noise control system with online secondary-path filter based on a stepsize controller.” 2019 12th Asian Control Conference (ASCC). IEEE, 2019.
  • Kim, Min Su, et al. “Unsupervised Anomaly detection of LM Guide Using Variational Autoencoder.” 2019 11th International Symposium on Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering (ATEE). IEEE, 2019.



  • PARK, POOGYEON, and Tae Soo Park. “충격 잡음에 강한 가변 스텝 크기 부호를 이용한 능동 소음 제어 알고리즘.” CICS 2018. 대한전기학회, 2018.
  • 박인석, 박찬은, and 박부견. “연속 시간 특이 마코비안 점프 시스템에 대한 개선된 출력 궤한 제어.” 정보 및 제어 논문집 (2018): 102-103.
  • PARK, POOGYEON, and Tae Soo Park. “A filtered-x optimal step-size-NSAF active noise cancellation algorithm robust to impulse noise with ste-size scaler.” International Conference on Control, Automation, and Systems 2018. the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 2018.
  • Minho Lee, In Seok Park, Min Su Kim, Won II Lee, PooGyeon Park. “Development of Camber Control Algorithm in Hot Strip Rolling Process” SICE 2018
  • Chan-eun Park, PooGyeon Park. “Dynamic Output-Feedback Dissipative Control for Singular Markovian Jump Systems” SICE 2018
  • In Seok Park, Won Il Lee, Poo Gyeon Park. “H∞ Control Based on Partitioning the Range of Fuzzy Weights for Uncertain Discrete-Time T-S Fuzzy Systems” CCC 2018
  • Tae Su Park, Dong Woo Kim, Poogyeon Park. “A filtered-x VSS-NSAF active noise control algorithm robust to impulsive noise through the application of step-size scaler” ECTI-CON 2018
  • Dong Woo Kim, Tae Su Park, Poogyeon Park. “Implementation of inverse transfer functions using NLMS algorithm for reducing a sound reverberation in the tunnel” ECTI-CON 2018
  • Junmin Park, PooGyeon Park. “Sampled-data control for continuous-time Markovian jump fuzzy systems” KST 2018



  • Dong Woo Kim, Poogyeon Park. “Online secondary path estimation in active noise control systems using a scheduled step size algorithm” ASCC 2017
  • Seok Young Lee, Min Su Kim, Chaneun Park, PooGyeon Park. “Analysis on stability for generalized neural networks with time-varying delays via second-order orthogonal polynomials-based integral inequality” ICCAS 2017
  • JunWoong Hur, PooGyeon Park. “Diffusion affine projection sign algorithm for filtered-x active noise control” SICE 2017
  • In Seok Park, Nam Kyu Kwon, PooGyeon Park. “Stabilization of positive Markovian jump systems with input saturation: A linear programming approach” SICE 2017
  • Ji-Hye Seo, Sang Mok Jung, PooGyeon Park. “Diffusion proportionate affine projection sign algorithm for distributed estimation over network” ECTI-CON 2017
  • Chan-eun Park, Nam Kyu Kwon, PooGyeon Park. “Stabilization condition of one-step receding horizon control for discrete-time linear systems with model uncertainties” ECTI-CON 2017
  • Junmin Park, PooGyeon Park. “Sampled-data synchronization for chaotic Lur’e systems and application to secure communication” ICOIN 2017



  • Ju-Man Song, PooGyeon Park. “A Diffusion Strategy for the Multichannel Active Noise Control System in Distributed Network” CSCI 2016
  • Seok Young Lee, Won Il Lee, PooGyeon Park. “Improved slack-matrix-based summation inequality and applications to discrete-time systems with time-varying delays” CDC 2016
  • 박태수, 송주만, 박부견. “가변 스텝 크기를 이용한 부분대역 능동 소음 제어 알고리즘” CICS 2016
  • 서지혜, 정상목, 박부견. “성긴 시스템의 분산 추정을 위한 l0 제약을 갖는 확산형 인접 투사 알고리즘” CICS 2016
  • 정상목, 서지혜, 박부견. “입력 노이즈에 강인한 Diffusion LMS 알고리즘 (A Diffusion LMS Algorithm Robust to Noisy Inputs)” CICS 2016
  • 허준웅, 박부견. “충격 잡음 감지기의 적용을 통한 충격잡음에 강인한 RLS 알고리즘” CICS 2016
  • 이석영, 이원일, 박부견. “새로운 볼록 조합 정리를 통한 시변 지연 시스템의 안정성 해석” CICS 2016
  • 이원일, 이석영, 박부견. “역볼록 조합의 일괄 처리를 통한 시간 지연 신경 회로망의 안정성 해석” CICS 2016
  • 권남규, 박인석, 박부견. “양자화 입력을 갖는 양성 마르코브 점프 시스템의 안정화” CICS 2016
  • 박준민, 박부견. “Discrete-time sliding mode control with improved accuracy for sampled-data system” CICS 2016
  • 박인석, 권남규, 박부견. “H2 Control for Discrete-time Markovian Jump Fuzzy Systems with Partly Known Transition Probabilities” ICCAS 2016
  • 박준민, 이형웅, 박부견. “Vibration control of a strip in a Continuous Galvanizing Line using Self-Tuning Neuro-PID controller” ICCAS 2016
  • Seok Young Lee, Won Il Lee, PooGyeon Park. “Combined-slack-matrix-based integral inequality: application to time-delay systems” SICE 2016
  • Nam Kyu Kwon, In Seok Park, PooGyeon Park. “Output-feedback control for singular Markovian jump systems” SICE 2016
  • 서지혜, 정상목, 박부견. “Acoustic echo cancellation in distributed network using improved diffusion subband adaptive filtering algorithm” CSNDSP 2016
  • 송주만, 김민수, 박부견. “A robust filtered-x NLMS algorithm with optimal step size for active control of impulsive noise” ECTI-CON 2016
  • 김민수, 서지혜, 권남규, 송주만, 박부견. “Real-time moving object detection using a vehicle-mounted monocular rear-view fisheye camera” ECTI-CON 2016
  • 이원일, 김민수, 김성현, 최용준, 공남웅, 박부견. “수학적 모델링을 이용한 열연 공정에서의 캠버 제어 알고리즘” ICROS 2016
  • 권남규, 박부견. “State-feedback controller design for Markovian jump fuzzy systems using fuzzy weighting-dependent Lyapunov functions” ICROS 2016



  • Nam kyu Kwon, PooGyeon Park. “H2 state-feedback LPV controller design with multiple parameters for the nonlinear inverted pendulum problem” AROB 2015
  • JunWoong Hur ,JinWoo Yoo, PooGyeon Park. “An improved affine projection algorithm for both the measurement noise and impulsive noise” AROB 2015
  • 박찬은, 송주만, 박형국, 박부견, 최승갑. “냉연 산세 라인 산 농도 추정 모델” ICROS 2015
  • 김동우, 송주만, 이석영, 최현택, 박부견. “수중 잡음 환경에서의 RTLS와 Particle Filter 알고리즘을 이용한 음원 위치 추정” ICROS 2015
  • 이석영, 이원일, 박부견. “New stability criteria for linear systems with interval time-varying delays via an extended state vector” ASCC 2015
  • 이석영, 이원일, 박부견. “Free-matrix-based-double integral inequality for stability analysis of time-varying delay systems” HKICEAS 2015
  • 이원일, 이석영, 박부견. “Analysis on Stability for Linear Systems with Two Additive Time-Varying Delays” CDC 2015
  • 김민수, 이원일, 박부견. “Image Stitching Algorithm for Camber Measurement in Hot Rolling Process” ICCAS 2015
  • 박인석, 권남규, 박부견. “H∞ State-Feedback Control for Continuous-Time Markovian Jump Systems with Partly Unknown Transition Probabilities” ICCAS 2015



  • 신재욱, 이석영, 송주만, 김동우, 최현택, 박부견. “수중 잡음 환경에서의 음원 위치 추정 RTLS 알고리즘” 대한전자공학회 하계종합학술대회 2014
  • 송주만, 이석영, 김동우, 최현택, 박부견. “능동 소음 제어 시스템을 위한 향상된 MFxAP 알고리즘” 대한전자공학회 하계종합학술대회 2014
  • 박범용, 권남규, 박부견. “양자회된 입력 포화 및 외란을 갖는 선형시스템에서 외란 응답 감소를 위한 상태-궤환 제어” ICROS 2014
  • 이원일, 유진우, 공남웅, 최용준, 박부견. “2D 상호상관을 이용한 열연 연연속 압연 공정의 영상 접합 알고리즘” ICROS 2014
  • JinWoo Yoo, Won Il Lee, NamWoong Kong, Yong-Joon Choi, PooGyeoon Park. “An edge detection algorithm for steel bar in hot rolling process” ICCAS 2014
  • Sang Mok Jung, JiHye Seo, PooGyeon Park. “Variable Step-size NLMS Algorithm with Oblique Projection” ICCAS 2014
  • Sang Mok Jung, JiHye Seo, PooGyeon Park. “Normalized Least-Mean-Square Algorithm with a Pseudo-fractional Number of Orthogonal Correction Factors” ICNIT 2014
  • JiHye Seo, Sang Mok Jung, PooGyeon Park. “Proportionate sign subband adaptive filtering algorithm for network echo cancellers” ICNIT 2014



  • 권남규, 박창현, 윤성욱, 박부견. “Vision based mura detection by using property of line scan camera for black resin-coated steel-Line scan algorithm.” ICCAS 2013
  • 이주용, 박부견. “Inspection of defect on LCD panel using local mean algorithm based on similarity.” ICCAS 2013
  • Jung, Sang Mok, Nam Kyu Kwon, and Poogyeon Park. “A bias-compensated affine projection algorithm for noisy input data.” Control Conference (ASCC), 2013 9th Asian. IEEE, 2013.
  • Kong, NamWoong, et al. “Non-periodic-partial-update affine projection algorithm with data-selective updating.” Intelligent Signal Processing and Communications Systems (ISPACS), 2013 International Symposium on. IEEE, 2013.
  • 유진우, 신재욱, and 박부견. “성긴 시스템 식별을 위한 향상된 인접 투사 알고리즘.” 대한전자공학회 학술대회 (2013): 689-692.
  • 권남규, et al. “2D FFT 와 다중 레벨 적응 문턱값을 이용한 흑색 수지 강판의 결함 검출 알고리즘.” 제어로봇시스템학회 국내학술대회 논문집 (2013): 282-283.
  • 권남규, 박범용, and 박부견. “H₂ state-feedback control for LPV system with multiple parameters.” 제어로봇시스템학회 국내학술대회 논문집 (2013): 63-64.
  • 신재욱, et al. “두개의 하이드로폰을 이용한 수중 음원의 방향 추정 알고리즘.”대한전자공학회 학술대회 (2013): 51-53.
  • Won Il Lee, Seok Young Lee, PooGyeon Park, “Stability Criterion with Less LMI Variables for Linear Continuous-Time Systems with Two Additive Time-Varying Delays”, ICNSE 2013
  • Bum Yong Park, JongSeok Lee, PooGyeon Park “Control of Switched Systems for Continuous-time and Discrete-time Subsystems with Input Saturation” ICNSE 2013



  • Bum Yong Park, Sung Wook Yun, PooGyeon Park. “Set Invariance Approach to H∞ Control for Input-Saturated Systems with Disturbances” ICCAS 2012
  • ByungHoon Kang, Jaewook Shin, Ju-man Song, Hyun-Taek Choi, PooGyeon Park. “Acoustic Source Localization Based on the Extended Kalman Filter for an Underwater Vehicle with a Pair of Hydrophones.” ICECECE 2012.
  • Ju-man Song, Jaewook Shin, Hyun-Taek Choi, PooGyeon Park. ” A Variable Step-Size Affine Projection Algorithm With Periodically Evolved Update Interval” ICECECE 2012.
  • JaeWook Shin, Ju-man Song, Hyun-Taek Choi, PooGyeon Park. ” Variable Step-Size APA with decorrelation of AR input process.” ICECECE 2012.
  • Won Il Lee, Changki Jeong, PooGyeon Park, ” Further Improvement of Delay-Dependent Stability Criteria for Linear Systems with Time-Varying Delays” ICCAS 2012
  • 이원일, 박부견, ” New Guaranteed H-infinity Performance State Estimation for Delayed Neural Networks,” ICIEE 2012
  • 권남규, 이종석, 박부견” Mura Region Detection by Using 2D FFT with Exponential Kernel for Black Resin-coated Steel,” ICIEE 2012
  • 송인선, 이원일, 권남규, 박부견, ” A Robust Variable Step-size NLMS Algorithm through A Combination of Robust Cost Functions” ICIEE 2012
  • 유진우, 박부견, ” An Improved Least Mean Kurtosis (LMK) algorithm for Sparse System Identification,” ICIEE 2012
  • Sang Mok Jung, PooGyeon Park., “Variable Forgetting Factor Recursive Total Least Squares Algorithm for FIR Adaptive filtering”, ICEEI 2012
  • JiHye Seo, PooGyeon Park, ” An Improved Proportionate Normalized Least Mean Square Algorithm with Orthogonal Correction Factors for Echo Cancellation” ICEEI 2012
  • 박범용, 정창기, 박부견, “선형 매개 변수가 있는 시스템을 가지는 네트워크 출력 피드백 제어 시스템의 관찰자 기반 H∞ 추적 문제에 관한 연구”, ICROS 2012
  • 유진우, 신재욱, 박부견 “충격성 잡음 환경에서의 가변 스텝 사이즈를 이용한 인접 투사 부호 알고리즘” ICROS 2012
  • 권남규, 이종석, 공남웅, 윤종필, 박창현, 박부견, “2D FFT 를 이용한 흑색 수지 강판의 결함 검출 알고리즘” ICROS 2012
  • JinWoo Yoo, PooGyeon Park, “An Affine Projection Algorithm with Variable Projection Order using the MSE Criterion,” IMECS 2012
  • Sung Hyun Kim, Bum Yong Park, PooGyeon Park, “H_Infinite Tracking Control of LPV Systems over a Communication Network”, IMECS 2012



  • JinWoo Yoo, JaeWook Shin, PooGyeon Park, “An Affine Projection Algorithm With Evolving Order Using Variable Step-Size”, ICENC 2011
  • Won Il Lee, Jeong Wan Ko, PooGyeon Park, “State-feedback switching control for discrete-time Takagi?Sugeno fuzzy systems based on partitioning the range of fuzzy weights”, ICENC 2011
  • ByungHoon Kang, NamKyu Kwon, PooGyeon Park, “A Consistent Binormalized Data-Reusing LMS Algorithm For Noisy FIR Models” ICENC 2011
  • Jeong Wan Ko, SangMok Jung, PooGyeon Park, “Further Enhancement of Delay-Range-Dependent Stability Criteria for Systems with Time-Varying Delays”, ICCAS 2011
  • JiHye Seo, NamWoong Kong, PooGyeon Park, “Normalized LMS algorithm with Evolutionary Change of Orthogonal Correction Factors”, ICCAS 2011
  • JongSeok Lee, NamWoong Kong, JinWoo Yoo, PooGyeon Park, “A Fast Image Stitching Algorithm in The Endless Hot Rolling Process”, ICCAS 2011
  • Ju-man Song, Jihye Seo, ByungHoon Kang, Poogyeon Park. “An Enhanced QRS Detection Algorithm in the Multiple Leads Environment” CICS 2011
  • ByungHoon Kang, JaeWook Shin, Hyun-Taek Choi, PooGyeon Park. “Time Delay Estimation for Underwater Sound Detection” CICS 2011
  • Sung Hyun Kim, Bum Yong Park, Won Il Lee, PooGyeon Park, “Control Design of Nonlinear Systems over a Communication Network”, MWSCAS 2011
  • Nam kyu Kwon, PooGyeon Park, “Variable Step-Size NLMS Algorithm with Orthogonal Correction Factors”, ICROS 2011
  • Bum Yong Park, Sung Wook Yun, PooGyeon Park. “Gain-scheduling state-feedback control for LPV systems with multiple parameters” ASCC 2011
  • ByungHoon Kang, SangMok Jung, PooGyeon Park. “A New Iterative Method for Solving Total Least Squares Problem” ASCC 2011
  • Mirim Ha, Changki Jeong, Ju-man Song, PooGyeon Park. “Delay-Dependent Control and Stability Analysis for T?S Fuzzy Systems with a Sensor Delay” ICCA 2011
  • Jeong Wan Ko, Won Il Lee, PooGyeon Park, PooGyeon Park. “Delayed System Approach to the Stability of Networked Control Systems” ICCA 2011



  • Bum Yong Park, Sung Wook Yun, Ju-Man Song, PooGyeon Park, “H2 state-feedback control for LPV systems with input saturation”, ICROS 2010, (2010.5)
  • JinWoo Yoo, Sung Wook Yun, Nam Woong Kong, Ju-Man Song, PooGyeon Park, “Vision-based algorithm for detecting joining part of bars in endless hot rolling process”, ICROS 2010, (2010.5)
  • MiRim Ha, Changki Jeong, PooGyeon Park, “Stability analysis for T-S fuzzy systems with a time-varying delay”, ICROS 2010, (2010.5)/li>
  • JaeWook Shin, Won-Il Lee, PooGyeon Park, “Object Tracking Based On Fragments With Variable Weight Vectors”, ICROS 2010, (2010.5)
  • Chang Hee Lee, PooGyeon Park, “Variable Step-size Affine Projection Algorithm Based on Excess Mean Square Error”, AROB 15th ’10, (2010.2)
  • Bum Yong Park, Chang Hee Lee, PooGyeon Park,” Implementation of TFT Inspection System Using The Stream Processor”, AROB 15th ’10, (2010.2)



  • Nam Woong Kong, Moon-Soo Chang, JinWoo Yoo, PooGyeon Park, “An Affine Projection Algorithm using the Inner Product of Input Vectors”, ICICS 2009, (2009.12)
  • Sung Hyun Kim, PooGyeon Park, “Control of Nonlinear Systems Using Relaxation Technique for PLMI”, CICS 2009, (2009.10)
  • In-sun Song, Byunghoon Kang, PooGyeon Park, “An Efficient Cubic Spline Interpolation method with reduced Overshoot”, CICS 2009, (2009.10)
  • JaeWook Shin, PooGyeon Park, “Performance Improvement of Attitude Estimation Using Biad and Motion Estimation”, CICS 2009, (2009.10)
  • Byunghoon Kang, Jeong-Wan Ko, PooGyeon Park, “Delay-dependent robust stability for uncertain delayed T?S fuzzy systems”, ASCC 2009 7th, (2009.8)
  • Byunghoon Kang, JaeWook Shin, PooGyeon Park, “Piecewise Linear Motion Blur Identification Using Morphological Filtering in Frequency Domain”, ICCAS 09, (2009.8)
  • Sung Wook Yun, Yun Jong Choi, Insun Song, PooGyeon Park, “H2 controller design for eliminating the effect of input quantization”, ICCAS 09, (2009.8)
  • Sung Hyun Kim, Changki Jeong, Bum Yong Park, PooGyeon Park, “An Improved Approach to Robust H∞ Stabilization for Networked Control Systems”, ICCAS 09, (2009.8)
  • Changki Jeong, Jinwoo Yoo, PooGyeon Park, “A Defect Inspection Method for TFT panel using the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA)”, ISIE 2009, (2009.7)
  • NamWoong Kong, ByungHoon Kang, MiRim Ha, PooGyeon Park, “Development of the brightness quality improving system with the video region detection algorithm”, ISIE 2009, (2009.7)
  • In-sun Song, Jaewook Shin, Jeong-Wan Ko, PooGyeon Park, “Robust stabaility analysis for uncertain T{S fuzzy systems with a time-varying delay”, AROB 14th ’09,(2009.2)
  • Jaewook Shin, Moon-Soo Jang, Gyumin Lee,PooGyeon Park,”Effective RFID Tag Positioning Strategy for Mobile Robot with Indoor Mapping”, AROB 14th ’09, (2009.2)



  • Sung Hyun Kim, Chang Hee Lee, PooGyeon Park, “Relaxed Delay-dependent Stabilization Conditions for Discrete-Time Fuzzy Systems with Time Delays”, ICARCV 2008, (2008.12)
  • Chang Hee Lee, Changki Jeong, Moon-Soo Jang, PooGyeon Park, “Implementation of TFT Inspection System using the Common Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) on Modern Graphics Hardware”, ICARCV 2008, (2008.12)
  • Gyumin Lee, Moon-Soo Jang, PooGyeon Park,”오도메트리 정보와 RFID 시스템을 이용한 이동 로봇 위치 인식 방법”, CICS2008,(2008.10)
  • Nam Woong Kong, Moon-Soo Jang, PooGyeon Park, SangWoo Kim,”An Affine Projection Algorithm with Two Numbers of Input Vectors”, FSKD’08,(2008.10)
  • Sung Wook Yun, Yun Jong Cho, Gyumin Lee, PooGyeon Park, “Guaranteed Cost Fuzzy Controller Design for Nonlinear Systems with Input Saturation”,FSKD’08,(2008.10)
  • Sung Wook Yun, Nam Woong Kong, Gyumin Lee, PooGyeon Park,”Development of Defect Detection Algorithm in Cold Rolling”,ICCA2008,(2008.10)
  • Sung Wook Yun, Yun Jong Choi, PooGyeon Park, “Stabilization of 2-D Linear Parameter-Varying Systems using Parameter-Dependent Lyapunov Function: An LMI Approach”, IFAC2008, (2008.7)
  • Sung Wook Yun, Moon-Soo Jang, Byung Hoon Kang and PooGyeon Park, “A Replanning Strategy for Preplanned Robot Trajectory in Emergency Situation”, AROB 13th ’08. (2008. 1)



  • Kyong-Min Lee, Moon-Soo Jang and PooGyeon Park, “Geometric Modeling of Illumination on The TFT-LCD Panel using Bezier Surface”, CESSE2007. (2007.12)
  • Sung Wook Yun, Yun Jong Choi, Kyong-Min Lee and PooGyeon Park, “Finite-Horizon Tracking Control for Repetitive Systems with Uncertain Initial Conditions”, CESSE2007. (2007.12)
  • Jeong Hye Moon, Byung Hoon Kang, and PooGyeon Park, “Direct Method for converting FIR filter with low nonzero tap into IIR filter”, CESSE2007. (2007.12)
  • Yun Jong Choi, Sung Wook Yun, Chang Hee Lee and PooGyeon Park, “Finite-horizon Tracking Control for Repetitive Systems with Uncertain Initial Condition”, CICS2007. (2007.10)
  • Kyong-Min Lee, Moon-Soo Jang and PooGyeon Park, “Defect Inspection of TFT-LCD Panel using 3D Modeling and Periodic Comparison”, CICS2007. (2007.10)
  • Nam Woong Kong, Jeong Hye Moon and PooGyeon Park, “Vision-Based Camber and Optimal Cutting Line Detection Algorithm for Hot-Rolling Process”, CICS2007. (2007.10)
  • Changki Jeong, Byung Hoon Kang and PooGyeon Park, “Stability conditions for Time-delayed LPV systems”, CICS2007. (2007.10)
  • Nam Woong Kong, Sung Wook Yun, Moon Soo Chang and PooGyeon Park, “Fast Vision-Based Camber Detection Algorithm for Hot-Rolled Steel Strips”, CASS2007. (2007. 5)
  • Sung Hyun Kim, Sung Wook Yun and PooGyeon Park, “Piecewise control for systems with input saturation and disturbances”, ICCAS2007. (2007.10)
  • Byung Hoon Kang and PooGyeon Park, “A Razumikhin-type Stability Criterion for Time-delayed systems”, ACMOS’07. (2007.5)
  • Changki Jeong, Jeonghye Moon and PooGyeon Park, “Observer-based control for Time-delayed systems”, ROCOM 2007, (2007.04).
  • Kyong-min Lee, Moon Soo Chang and PooGyeon Park, ” Periodic Comparison Method for Defects Inspection of TFT-LCD Panel”, ROCOM 2007, (2007.04).
  • Moon Soo Chang, Sung Wook Yun and PooGyeon Park, “PSF search algorithm for dual-exposure type blurred Image”, ICIS 2007, (2007.01).
  • Yun Jong Choi, Nam Woong Kong and PooGyeon Park, “Asymptotic Stability of Input-saturated System with Linear-growth-bound Disturbances via Variable Structure Control : An LMI Approach”, ICIS 2007, (2007.01).
  • Sung Hyun Kim, PooGyeon Park, “Hinf control of systems with the effects both of the networked-induced delay and of the input saturation”, 2007 WSEAS International Conference on COMPUTER ENGINEERING and APPLICATIONS, (2007.01).



  • N.W.Kong, P.Park, “State-feedback Stabilization of Sector-bounded Lur’e Systems”, SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference 2006, (2006.10).
  • S.H.Kim, M,K,Shin and P.Park, “A New Tree-Based Tag Anti-collision Protocol for RFID Systems”, The 2006 International Conference on Communications in Computing, (2006.06).
  • P.Park, S.H.Kim , J.H.Moon and M. K. Shin, “An Efficient MPC Algorithm based on a Priori Zone Control”, 2nd IEEE international conterence on CIS &RAM, (2006. 06)



  • M.S.Chang, D.K.Kim, and P.Park, “The Gradient-Lattice Per Tone Equalizer for wireless LAN”, International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing, , pp.1393~1396 (2005.12).
  • S.Y.Jeong, Y.J.Choi, and P.Park, “Jerk Limited Velocity Profile Generation for High Speed Industrial Robot Trajectories”, IFAC World Congress, , pp.Fr-A04-To/4 (2005.07).
  • D.K.Kim and P.Park, “Least-squares Lattice Laguerre Smoother”, International Conference on Control, Automation, and Systems, , pp.1189~1191 (2005.06).